CJEU’s judgement of 1st of October 2019 in the case C-673/17(Planet49) clarifies that a website user must provide his or her consent for the use of cookies by way of an “active”, rather than “passive” behavior. The consent is not validly constituted if the storage of information in the website user’s terminal equipment is permitted […]
Category: Articles
Transmiterea dreptului de proprietate sau a altor drepturi reale asupra unui imobil ca urmare a reorganizarii persoanei juridice prin fuziune sau divizare – inscrierea in Cartea Funciara in baza unui certificat de reorganizare
Incepand cu 26 iulie 2018, prin modificarile aduse Legii cadastrului si a publicitatii imobiliare nr. 7/1996, transmiterea dreptului de proprietate sau a altor drepturi reale asupra unui imobil ca urmare a reorganizarii persoanei juridice prin fuziune sau divizare va fi inscrisa in Cartea Funciara doar in baza unui certificat de reorganizare care va fi intocmit […]
Atragerea raspunderii solidare a administratorului pentru obligatiile fiscale de plata restante ale societatii
Administratorul unei societati care inregistreaza datorii catre autoritatile fiscale poate fi obligat la plata respectivelor datorii din patrimoniul personal, prin procedura raspunderii solidare reglementata de art. 25 alin. (2) lit. d) din Codul de procedura fiscala, daca sunt indeplinite cumulativ urmatoarele conditiii: societatea sa fi fost declarata insolvabila de catre autoritatile fiscale (in conditiile art. […]
A legal radiography over your website from an Intellectual Property (IP) perspective
If you have a website, you should then be aware to what extent you own the IP legal rights over your website. (a) You are most likely to have an inherent ownership right over any of the following: Written material if created by you or legally acquired; Graphics or databases if created by you or legally acquired; Photographs taken by you, provided […]
Mobile apps, law and IP rights
You have an idea for the development of a mobile application and you would like to commission the development work to an IT developer. In that case, you should check some legal points before starting the project. Whether your mobile application is intended for websites, or smartphones, or both, you should ensure that your app […]
Main steps of the trademark registration procedure in Romania and why you should periodically monitor the new trademark publications
According to the Romanian Trademark Law no. 84/1998, the Romanian Trademark and Patent Office (“RPTO”) verifies the observance of the procedural conditions of a trademark registration request (the “Request”), i.e. if it comprises all the required documents, information, as well as the proof of payment of the official fees. If all the procedural conditions are […]